Monday, March 9, 2020

My Last Race for Marshall essays

My Last Race for Marshall essays ?My league, Prelims Cross Country race was the most intense race I had ran my sophomore season. There were five of us representing the Frosh/Soph. I was extremely nervous because I had been improving, running faster and more at ease. I hoped this would be a good day to hit another personal record. The sun was glaring upon my teammates and I, as we stood, waiting for our fates, at the starting line. It was such a scorching day, but I will never forget what I learned that day. On your marks. We all stepped forward. Set. Everyone was dead silent. "BANG!!! The gun released that burst of excruciating noise I had disliked since day one of racing. And off we went! My friend, Edwin, and I were the first ones from our school to run out the starting line, as we rushed up ahead, increasing our strides. The scene was quite hectic, as we had to defend ourselves from the stampede ahead and behind us. Eventually, we built speed and started to race closer to the front of the pack. Up, up, and up as we rushed up that hill, as well as dashing left and right around corners. On the 3rd mile, a voice shouted out from a hill above shouted out, Gentlemen! Take off! You two are in the lead! Its all up to you two. Finish strong! GO! GO! Our Coach Viana had the power in his voice to always push anyone one of us beyond our weakest points. I changed gears, and started picking up my pace. Push through the pain! I told Edwin. I would not finish the race without him. We were growing very tired, but we knew we had a responsibility to fulfill: to prove the reason why we wore that M, known as Marshall, upon our jerseys. Go on! I cant do this, shouted Edwin, as he started to fall behind. I was not going to let him give up on me when we were less than 200 meters away from the end. No! Dont say that, you can do it! I shouted out, and grabbed his arm and dragged him...